حسن برنامج إختصارات إفتح أي شيء بضغطة زر على جهازك Best program shortcuts on your computer2015
Perfect Hotkey
شرح برنامج Perfect Hotkey لتخصيص الاحرف والارقام للفتح التلقائي للمفضل لديك
بعد تحميل البرنامج وتثبيت على الكمبيوتر او الاب توب يفتح البرنامج على Perfect Hotkeyثم تقوم باختيار New Hotkey وتخصص الحروف بما تريد ويمكنك تحديد وتخصيص اكثر من حرف ورقم وعند النقر على الحرف سيفتح تلقائي على اختيارك الذي وظفته له
Perfect Hotkey
Of course we are all more than once Login to a computer in one day and that depending on the use of each one of us to a computer in our mouth from the function works on the computer device and the browsing of us and of the play for us. So Fajtsara of time if you are a long time to a computer to open the same sites every day or if you're overwhelmed play for the device and more games on the computer system and the Internet feat you do so you need a program that helps and saves you time and easier for you to deal with the keyboard Ali Computer device, the Perfect Hotkey program is doing all these facilities work shortcuts on all the functions of the existing Balkibord of numbers, letters, and this means that you will you select a particular character to pressure him to take his open your featured or who you work Beah or browsing, for instance, that you select a character f to open a browser certain of your own and be, for example, Facebook and Perfect Hotkey program just does not open a browser, but it can also open the site. You can also specify more than one character to specify a single action.
Perfect Hotkey explain the program to customize the letters and numbers for automatic open for your favorite
After downloading the software and install on your PC or Laptop program opens the Perfect Hotkey then you select New Hotkey majoring letters what you want and you can determine the allocation of more than one character, number and when you click on the letter will open
automatically on your choice, who hired him to him
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